Jim Henning
2 min readMar 27, 2024


When was the last time I posted? Earlier this month? I did miss you. My time away has been sweet, more or less. I thought I’d take a break from social media (against my better judgement, believe it or not) but if you’ve been following me you can tell I’ve fallen a little out of sync. My posts feel a little cringe. To me at least. I’m just phoning it in. That’s what happens when you don’t put in the time. It’s harder than it looks being a know-it-all.

So Yeah

I won all the Oscars, got on a boat & stayed relatively well fed & generally upbeat. The only thing that bothered me during this time was not reciprocating love; social media being my only outlet to the world outside my Oedipal cocoon. Questions? Don’t all raise your hands at once.

I’m retired, my hands are clean, my face is beautiful and my voice is honest. I win. You lose.

God I love awards season.

You’re too proud to admit you’re apoplectic; you make a habit of hurting the only type of person who can speak for you. Of course you have worthwhile convictions! I didn’t say otherwise. I’m saying you crumble when they’re challenged. I’m saying you have absolutely no rhetorical strength which means you have zero capacity to make policy, generally. You’re sick with the disease that’s decayed or destroyed every civilization’s dominance since people became Imperical. There’s no way I’m going along with you — or anyone for that matter — on that ride.

I have new people I’d like to meet, but before I can do so I feel it would be wise to explain to them what makes me this way that I am. I imagine they want to know if I’m like you; if they should lock the doors & windows tight when I inevitably come around. We’re all so afraid of each other; it makes me want to laugh and to cry at the same time.

So what then, makes me different? As briefly as possible? Regardless of how I imagine it will make me seem in the eyes of those not at all bothered by this nonsense?

I don’t find vindication satisfying. Only triumph.

Hm. There it is. I’ve even surprised myself a little. Yeah I see it. It’s obnoxiously frank. But it’s what’s in my heart. Asking:

“What’s in yours?” is really all I ever do, by my own estimation and for a reason I spend almost all my time silently trying to understand, people find my query unusually compelling. I seriously doubt anyone able to twist that particular blade from my hands. Why would you even wish to, you know?


That’s enough for now. Let’s get back into the swing of things. I may be the first person in the history of people whom was actually better off using social media more often.

Fun times darlings. Let’s get some.

