Conversation With an Opaque Ghost

Jim Henning
1 min readJun 10, 2024

You think I’m here to castigate you. You must. That’s why you’re hiding.

Everyone knows you’re fundamentally a coward now. There will be no question of that ever again and they’ll know it became known not out of any plans or intention on my part, but simply as you being what you are when any sign of discomfort challenges whatever self image you’ve got rattling around in your head.

No, I’m not particularly pleased.

I’m not here to negotiate or celebrate or boast or trade idiotic blows of any kind. I didn’t come here to talk at all. I just wanted to get a look at you again sit down, pop a beer and listen.

Instead I found a new friend. I’m wondering if she’s one of yours? I’m politely unconcerned. I’ll be here for a while longer. Again, I’m not here for acrimony. I’m not here for buddy buddy. I’d just like to hear something from you.

Something true.

Your friend is nice, but her probing is quite a distraction. I can’t read her while I’m busy thinking about you.

See you later, alligator.

